Put Your Battery To The Test Before Winter Does

Preventative battery maintenance is important year-round, but with a harsh winter predicted, it’s critical. Hot summer months can cause heat damage to internal components, which can weaken or even kill a battery’s cranking performance during hard winter starts. As summer turns to fall, it is a great time to test your batteries before the bitter chill of winter sets in and leaves you stuck with a no start.
Other tips for your scheduled Preventative Maintenance:
- Check and confirm the security of hold downs. If a hold down deficiency is found, correct the issue.
- Clean all terminal connections, grime and grease reduce charge acceptance
- Inspect battery cables and repair or replace cables that are worn
If you do need to replace your battery, choose a battery that fits your vehicles power needs. Winter months mean climate controls, heated windows, and other driver amenities will be heavily used putting additional demand on the battery. To choose a battery that can withstand the harsh demands of winter travel, look for:
- Full framed plates to protect the battery’s cranking power to maximize cold weather starts
- Reinforced internal components to resist vibration damage and corrosion
- High cranking power to ensure dependable starts in cold weather
Smyth Auto Parts carries different brands of batteries for your needs. Give us a call at 866-843-2120 or stop into one of our 26 locations to get the battery you need!