Make Your Own Car Emergency Kit

Updated for November, 2019
Like it or not, winter is here. With that comes colder days and longer nights. Even though you may think an emergency will never happen to you, the likely hood of an emergency happening does go up. Be prepared this winter by having an emergency kit in your car.
Smyth Auto Parts recommends having the following in your car, whether in a duffel bag, milk crate, or in the storage bins in the trunk of your car:
- Jumper Cables
- Flares or Reflective triangles
- First Aid Kit
- Extra Oil and antifreeze
- Ice Scraper
- Car Cell Phone Charger
- Blanket (either a fleece or emergency blanket)
- Gloves, knit hat, etc.
- Extra warm clothing
- Map
- Kitty Litter or sand
As always, know the forecast before heading out. If the weather is going to be too bad, reconsider your trip. Also, check all fluids in your vehicle, and make your gas tank is full. It is beneficial for a mechanic to inspect your vehicle as well.
If you have any questions, go to your local Smyth Auto Parts store and we will be glad to assist you!